24 February 2007


I've been working on a few things recently and as usual some have worked out better than others. I made a little jumper for my friends soon to be baby (Baby FO) - of course I bought the recommended yarn - Rowan Baby Soft - only to discover that its hand wash only - I mean who makes yarn called Soft "Baby" that you have to hand wash! I reckon I'll have to promise to wash it any time it needs it!

Then I also made some felt with the most glorious green coloured roving to make the little elf slippers from this really cute pattern from Allsorts also for Baby FO. The first one was OK - but I thought of the old adage "practice makes perfect" and hoped that the second one would look even better - until I discovered that I couldn't find the top piece of the slipper - so now I have 7/8th of a pair of slippers and no more green roving!!! Argh!!!

Now I am knitting a cardigan for a friends baby girl. It's the most beautiful teal colour but a lot of people have said it's not very girlie so I got some cute buttons in a shop in Edinburgh to make it more girlie (though I definitely do not belong to the pink for a girl and blue for a boy school!) Got the buttons home and looked at the back of the packet which said "Couture buttons made in Italy. We recommend removal before washing"!!!!! Buttons you have to cut off every time you want to wash the garment! What is the world coming too?? Do I give them the cardigan with a pair of scissors and a needle and thread? It seems slighty ironic since at least this time I made sure the yarn was machine washable - I didn't think I'd have to worry about the buttons!!!

You may be beginning to realise that nothing is ever straight-forward in my world!!

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