22 February 2007

Well I guess it's been a while! I had all these good intentions of becoming a good blogger but I actually find it quite difficult to write about my life with any meaning - so I guess I'll just go for it and see what comes out.

Yesterday was a good day - I got a parcel from my Secret Pal in the Knitty exchange - all the way from Hamburg. So whilst I may not have wandered far recently I am getting gifts from "elsewhere".

I arrived home from work on Wednesday evening to find a card through my letterbox which said I had a parcel to be collected, an international parcel no less, at the post office as it was too big to fit through my letterbox. This always makes me laugh as I have the tiniest letterbox on the planet and even my birthday cards usually make it through folded in half! I sometimes wonder if the postman would like to write "hey this one fits" on anything that does!

In the evening I was due to meet an old friend from University who was visiting his parents nearby - and I also managed to fit in a visit to knitting group before - an added bonus. It was nice to see my friend again - we (me, him and his partner) had a good chat about all sorts of things and were horrified to discuss the fact that it is 20 years ago this year that we started university and met each other....life really is speeding past!

I'm still enjoying reading other peoples blogs so I shall persevere in the hope that one day my blog can give some pleasure to others just out there "surfing".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you kept on with the blooging becasue it is indeed giving some pleasure to me! all the way over in Sydney Australia...thanks!