31 August 2012

Colour Week - Mutli-coloured

The final day of Francesca's Colour Week brings us to multi-coloured.....perhaps my favourite. Art and nature provide us with great opportunities to display multi-colour. I hate to wear lots of colours, any of my friends will tell you. I struggle with more than 2 colours at any time, so I wear a lot of black with another colour, but when it comes to photos and craft I love colour......

 Stained glass reflected on an arch in Madrid Cathedral

The colourful houses on the lace making island of Burano, Venice 

The pilgrims trail to Santiago de Compsotela

A crocheted blanket

 1960s furniture, Musee D'Orsay, Paris

 An artistic plate of food, Arles, Provence

 A new version of the tapestries at Stirling Castle....taking years to weave....

Water Lily - Kew Gardens

Thanks Francesca for encouraging us all to look at the beauty in the world around us.......


Bethany said...

Ah, more gorgeous color in photos!! I am like you-- pretty simple in my clothing, but I don't want to have it stand out instead of me! These photos remind me of how much color can illicit excitement in all aspects of living!

sw said...

All lovely!
See you soo, Di!

Francesca said...

And thank you for joining in!
PS I used to wear only black, did for years, it still is my favorite color, but now I also like to wear very colorful and bright clothes (no pastel tones for me).