17 August 2008

Woollie Weekend

Another weekend away with the National Trust, this time to Threave and Rockcliffe in SW Scotland. We have been to Threave on a number of occasions undertaking footpath work, hedge laying, beach cleaning and forestry work. This weekend we were bracken bashing - breaking the stems of the bracken to reduce growth and eventually eradicate it completely, replacing it with wild meadows and perhaps even introducing some cattle. We were lucky with both the weather (the forecast had been for 3cm of rain on Saturday) as all the rain came at night, and the views - working on a number of high points overlooking the Solway Firth, beaches, the mountains of the Lake District some 40 miles away and the rolling hills of Dumfries and Galloway.  The flora and fauna were at the height of their late summer splendour - berries galore, swallows getting ready for their flights back to Africa, badger skat.....

Threave Estate has been owned by the National Trust since the early 20th century and the castle, on an island in the River Dee, is run by Historic Scotland. Covering 1500 acres many different types of habitat are reflected in the estate, woodland, wetlands, fields, meadows and the formal gardens of the main house. 

We took a visit to the hedge we laid back in January to see how it looked now - the new growth coming through just as planned and soon the hedge will be the dominant barrier between cattle and human.


After Laying:


On the knitting front, I am now in the semi-final phase of my Ravelympics Baby Dressage competition with just one sleeve to go!! I am sure to finish before the Olympics do!! Photos to follow!


montague said...

that hedge is doing pretty fabulously!!!
and all your photos are so beautiful - i can feel summer in them!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, lush place. You are so lucky to live in such an area. We woke up to fog and rain and it reminded me of Scotland.

raining sheep said...

How gorgeous, the hedge is doing so well. The area is very green. Kudos for doing the Ravelympics - you are a greater woman than I.

Charlie P said...

It's lovely to see your hedge looking so bushy and green after just a few months :)
Good luck in the ravelympics, I'm sure you'll get the gold! Was that spinach quiche I spied in the photo? It looked VERY tasty whatever it was.

p.s. whereabouts in Spain and Switzerland are you off to?

Bethany said...

I love your photos!

Anonymous said...

Please make cards of these so we can buy them from you!