Weather and Woollie
I know I have posted about the mysterious North Sea mist before, but it really is so eerie that I have to post about it again. Sea haar - 2 days of sunshine and the warmth of the air against the cold of the water creates a mist that slowly creeps its way up the river engulfing all around it. Usually if you travel in land about 5 miles you are back in glorious sunshine, unfortunately for me I live less than a mile from the river..... I know, I know, I shouldn't complain because I have a fantastic view.....
Monday night after work , the sea haar started it's journey up the river and I captured it on film for you all to see.....and then, just as mysteriously as it arrived it left again, all in the space of an hour. The river is directly behind the church spire and Tayside House ( home of the City Council, but luckily not my office and to be demolished in 2010) and you can just see the fog developing in the first photo and receding in the last.

I also made a little purchase recently - a pair of Camilla Engman shoes from Converse. I saw them on a blog I was perusing and fell in love, imagine Little Red Riding Hood on your shoes. Camilla entered a competition being run by Converse as part of the Red charity, to design a pair of Converse shoes. Check out the other cool shoe designs you can choose from. I found my shoes on Schuh, a British shoe store's website and they arrived within 3 days!
I wore them tonight for the first time, to knitting group, and everyone liked them. I think the majority of people in my knitting group also have a shoe thing going on!!
I have also finally managed to get into the creative groove again and am making a little baby blankie (comforter) that I promised to send to Tine in Canada as part of an exchange. I've gone with a little less embroidery this time and some felted shapes. I am pleased with the way that it is turning out!
Di-- Love your shoes!! I love Camilla Engman's illustrations and the red and blue is really cute. And that fog reminds me of the fog that is on the Ohio River in the mornings. My mom used to have an apartment with huge windows overlooking the river. It made me homesick to see this! Your blanket is really, really cute! The white on white looks great. She will love it.
that mist is crazy!! and i looove the shoes! CUTE!
Yipee!! I can't wait to see your blankie!! Things are getting more and more exciting now! Wonderful shoes so much fun!
I love your blankets. Can you make a wee one for GG?
That fog is a little scary!
I wanted to get those shoes but they are very expensive in Canada.
They are so cute. I'm sure that you were the trendiest woman at your knitting group evening :)
Those are such cool pictures. Creepy!!!
Nice blog.! Your Converse shoes are looks very adorable and funky. I also have the same Converse shoes.
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