31 March 2010

Corner View - Spring

This weeks Corner View is all about spring.

The clocks changed in the UK this weekend heralding the start of British Summer Time and for the last 2 days many parts of Scotland have had snow.......wind......rain.....snow......I am not sure that we are ready for spring yet. Usually the daffodils are out and blossom beginning to appear on trees by now but not this year. However, some delightful signs of spring were evident when I was away in the Yorkshire Dales this past weekend:

Last spring I was in Japan....the most famous sign of spring being the cherry blossom (sakura)....it was beautiful...

Cherry blossoms and hanami parties in Shinjuku-Gyoen Park, Toyko

I am off to check out spring elsewhere on Corner View....


Unknown said...

I am with a terrible flu and no spring photos...so not really ready.

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Spring in Yorkshire and japan - lovely!

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, look at the cute sheepy! Your sheepy fans thank you!!!

Joyce said...

Ooh that sweet baby lamb. She even has a hint of pink on her side for the season. Love the cherry blossoms, beautiful! xo

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem said...

Unbelievable weather in Scotland - I'm heading that way next week - hope it clear up. Love those cherry blossom photos in Japan. Amazing.

Valerie said...

the cherry blossoms picnic parties must be something !!!
thank you for sharing, these photos are so beautiful !
and I love the little lamb :)
still waiting for Spring here , across the Channel...

Theresa said...


Bichos da Matos said...

Oh, I don't know which one I prefer!!But I think I'll choose the little lamb;) Happy Spring and happy Easter!

jane said...

lambs and cheery blossoms- you donĀ“t get more spring than that:) happy days!

Francesca said...

Our weather isn't ready for spring either, and I'm jet lagged from the 1 hr time change :)!

shayndel said...

Love the sheep and the sakura!
Happy spring:)

Shokoofeh said...

It's one of my biggest dreams to someday visit Tokyo in cherry blossoms time! :)

Bart said...

thats incredible! i must go

natsumi said...

Woow, you were in Japan! Gorgeous sakura!!! I love to see them in Japan!!