31 August 2008

A Book Launch

My friend Nasim has had her novel published!! This has been a long time project (6 years of writing and 3 years in the process of publishing) - The State of Me is an autobiographical novel i.e. it uses experiences from Nasim's life but in a completely fictionalised way. The protagonist is Helen Fleet, who during her university studies is struck down by ME (much the same way Nasim was) and the book follows her life as it progresses (and for the first 5 years of her illness it doesn't progress much beyond the sofa or bed) - the many reviews have been great, even over on Amazon!  These reviews tell it more eloquently than I will ever be able to do!

Her book launch took place in Waterstones on George Street in Edinburgh on a Wednesday evening during the Festival. Just a little further up the road her book was for sale at the Edinburgh International Book Festival! 

The book launch went really well. There were about 60 people there, she sold over 30 books on the night and was very much the witty, self-effacing author that comes through in her writing. So go and check out her blog, read the reviews and decide if it's a book you'd like to read!


Karen S, Lykkefanten said...

I never heard of ME before, and went to wiki to read about it... it sounds awful and I'm very impressed with your friend for writing a book while combatting this.
Also read a few of the reviews... I think I have just put a new book on my list!
Good luck to your friend! I wish her success!

montague said...

congratulations! what an accomplishment... i hope it gets printed in the US!

nmj said...

hey diane, glad you enjoyed the book... the launch seems like a hundred years ago now...was great to be for sale in the book festival tent/shop but i felt sad that cos i wasn't actually appearing at the festval i couldn't get in the writers yurt, which is supposed to be fab, lovely cushions & lots to eat & drink... (amy, the book is orderable on Amazon USA, now in stock...)

Tangara said...

My copy is on it's way! Can't wait!

Bethany said...

I know you mentioned this book before to me and I didn't understand what you meant when you referred to ME. Chronic fatigue syndrome is the name generally used here and one of my uncles has been dealing with this for over a decade or more. I am extremely impressed that she has published...congrats to her! And am a little jealous. But then, I have never seriously sat down and started to write a book! ;) I'll have to add this one to my "must read" list!

ingrid said...

Congratulations to your friend! And thanks for letting us know about the book -- sounds great!

Charlie P said...

It sounds like a very good read- something to go on the post-uni "to read" list.

Laura in Paris said...

The book sounds great, I'll look it up on Amazon...